My Opinions

Hello today I going a say my opinion about :
Chilean Politicians. My opinion is simple , the politicians are very lazy because for make a new law in this country all law are  retroactive , it has a happening a tragedy for create law , the Emilia case , the law Ricarte Soto are simple example that in Chile the law they come late , the another point in this country the people needs pressing a politicians for them to their job , for example for have a "Gratiudad " scholarship during years the schools and university of Chile they had a paralyzations  and decades of the students imprisoned and violence in the streets only for the 60% of the population can study without worrying for their socioeconomically status.

Violence on television. My view is simple , yes today the television not have a censure when show a violence in the new all days show robbery , murders and scams but is simple you choose that see and where inform you , for me a tv is a tool of entertain me not for inform me.

Immigration. For me the immigration is a natural process and is very necessary for development of the country , the mixed of the cultures is fantastic and is really logic that people in crisis run away a another country , for me that argument that foreign steals the jobs is absurd and mediocre. 

Climate change. my opinions is concrete this a very important problems and alls country should work for find a solutions 

Resultado de imagen para marchas estudiantiles


  1. the people should plant trees is a solution jeje

  2. I agree with your opinion of piliticians, Most politicians do not fulfill their duties

  3. I think the same about the Immigration

  4. I agree with your opinion of the inmigration.


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