A Post Graduate Course

In my mayor ,  the Chemistry is very important actually to have a post grade or speciacialization , for to able find a work. My university  has many areas to choose from , for example : metalurggy , toxicology , medicinal chemistry , colloid chemistry , or forensic chemistry , etc.

Now I do not have clarity about what to specialize , I hope can find during my years of the pre- grade study, but if I had to choose today I  would be beetween colloid chemistry and metallurgy .

First I will talk about from colloid is a mixture in which a substance of microscopically dispersed insoluble particles is suspended through another substance, for example to make it simpler, milk, beer foam, hair gel, or fog are colloids and have their characteristics own.
The studies on metallurgy is the technique of obtaining and treating metals from metallic minerals. It also studies the production of alloys, the quality control of processes.

Resultado de imagen para leche

Resultado de imagen para minerologia


  1. I know little about Chemistry or Metallurgy, so it all sounds like Alchemy to me and a big mystery...


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