English Challenger

Hello everyone today is a special day , today I create the final blog , and for me is a surprise I feel sad for this , I going talk my history in class of English in this faculty , for star for me even now English is very hard for me , and in general I not enjoy very much , but during my class of English II , III and IV,  I understood the most important point , for communicate your ideas is important use all skills ,since  the body language until your vocabulary, no matter that I don´t know all aspect and rule of English language, the central is to able say you ideas the all form possible.
In this faculty I star a practice a talk English not only a wrote. in this faculty I managed to do activity that in my school time I never thought to able , the oral presentation , the create a blogs all weeks and think in English, during all time in English III I hate a blogs but this semester I feel fun when I create blogs , this semester I be minus depending of translate, and this is a more great point. but English in this faculty same have a bad points , the principal for me is audio exercise , for me a Britannic English is a nightmare , and another bad point is a class when only read a text and not speaking, this focus of only read and little speaking is common in English III and IV. the semester when I speaking more and enjoy more was in my class of English II.
In general I use a English only for read a text of subject or read my comic, I have a hope that in future I use more this language.

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