My investigations of Gamma rays

Hello, today blog theme is the application of micro or macro technologies in my career, thanks to my brief investigation I liked today to talk about of advantages of the RadioChemistry. for this, I start to talk about from the cobalt. The Cobalt is very important in mammals metabolism , first the cobalt is vital for life because is part of the vitamin B-12 , that is used in the production of red blood cells and maintenance of the central nervous system   , but not is unique importance of the cobalt , thanks a medicine advance the cobalt is used to generating Gamma rays .
Now, Who are uses of the Gamma rays? The Gamma rays in the medicine are is used for detection of cancer ( in the Gamma chamber)  sterilization of the medic items, quality controls of the metals material and for the Gamma-knife. The Gamma- knife is a surgery the involves using a concentrated gamma ray for attack cancer cells.
The principal problems in the use of the Gamma rays and the general Radiotherapy are the risk of medicine negligence produce more danger that solutions.
In my major, The chemistry is very important known about from types of radiation and his used and form of the operations because, for example, the gamma rays are used since the battle of cancer until creating a bomb.

Resultado de imagen para Gamma Chamber GammaChamber

Resultado de imagen para Gamma knife Gamma-knifes Machine 


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