Truth or Good

I personally prefer a Good feeling over truth but I think that the truth is more important for mental health life. For example , the kitchen of my house is very ugly. it is badly painted for this reason the people think that my kitchen it grubby , but the reality is that my kitchen it clean. this example demonstrate that people 's prejudgment changes totally about a place.
Of this situation I wonder what is most important the truth , my kitchen is clean or perception of the people ? In this case is more important the truth because is most important a clean kitchen than a beautiful kitchen for cook. this example it can be extrapolated to several situation of our life,
Finally I want to explain what I meant with " I personally prefer a good feeling" I think that with good self-understanding  produce good feeling and this is more important a good self esteem.
In summary in introspection is more important a good feeling and in the social area is most important the truth
