Dream ... Special Science

Hello today I going talk about from very special job , cook or chef , more specifically a Gastronomy expert , is simple the reason because this job is special is a infinity possibilities that it has a gastronomy. for understand the gastronomy  is the study of the relationship between food and culture, art of preparing and serving rich or delicate and appetizing food, a style of cooking from particular region and the science of good eating , all these point imply that good gastronome know about history , manners , art , and sciences of the world. a good gastronome or chef know a lot from science , cook is very similar a chemical reaction , during the preparetion the food go throught physical , and chemistry change  , the laboraty techniques is very similar a cooking techniques , also a gastronome know a lot from biology , the cells of food can have  a more fats , minerals , vitamins , proteins , or carbohydrates for example , and depends these a food have a different behavior and ways for cook.
other reason because is so interesting is a infinity mixture of flavors that can be create with food.
This relaship with sciences and culture make a gastronomy a very multi-faced art. 

Resultado de imagen para gastronomy molecular


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