My Proffesion

My profession is  the Chemistry, is very special for me because is a very Challenging for me , and I think this is a most scientist major , because chemistry is a base to support another sciences, in this profession is very important know physical ,  biology , and maths therefore is very difficult profession.(this difficult was what  attracts me for this major)  The Chemist is very versatile professional that it will job in the industrial area or investigation area , in health area or cosmetic area , it is useful for many investigation for example , the naza need a chemist for production and processing for fuel , other example , the chemist going to can work in quality control (QC) to food , creams , cleaning items ( shampoo , soap , toothpaste , etc ) and all types of  pollution.
In Chile is very important has  a Chemist for all mineral industry area , and for technology advance , example , the electric car industry need a lithium battery , and Chile is a productor for lithium , is a chemist job know how , make or improve this battery.

 Taran is a lithium mine !!!!
Resultado de imagen para litio


  1. I know that my cellphone is full of lithium! limited knowledge of Chemistry...

  2. i think lithium is very important for the future

  3. I thought you were studying to be an actor :o
    I'm kidding.

  4. The chemistry is amazing but is very difficult


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